Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Reality Check

I know what you're thinking--She started this Herbalife wellness program, got all excited, and gave up about a week into it. Typical.

Well, you'd be right.

I'm not here to pull the wool over your eyes. This is a realistic account of my experience with Herbalife. And, part of my experience, thus far, includes this time of weakness.

By way of explanation, my life has been turned upside down since starting this new venture and the fact that I can still see straight is a miracle. But that is no excuse for wavering on the promise that I made to myself and to you, my followers.

So here I am to recommit myself. Why, you ask?

  1. Because I deserve it! I have been carrying around this extra weight and trying to stuff myself into the clothes I wish I could wear for FAR too long. 
  2. Because it works! In the first week that I did Herbalife, when I was 100% faithful in taking my shakes and supplements I lost 4 pounds!! FOUR POUNDS IN ONE WEEK! That's outstanding!
  3. Because I am going to help others. I am determined to prove to someone out there that these products work so that they can have the same satisfaction and awesome results that I am having.
So please forgive me for my weakness and help me to reassert myself into achieving my goals. I will start again head first tomorrow, Wednesday, October 24. I'll do a brand new weigh-in and start back at week 1. And, this time, I will not stop until those 50 lbs. are gone. Is it gonna be hard? Yes. Am I gonna slip-up again? Hopefully not. But can I do this? ABSOLUTELY.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Making Things Easy

I am an organizational freak. It gives me great satisfaction to make lists, plans, and charts. So when I decided to start this weight loss plan, I knew it was a gold mine for some of my skills! Here are some of the ways that I am motivating myself and making my life a little easier.

According to my husband, this means that I am officially 80 years old. Whatever, dear. This has made my day so easy! At the beginning of the week, I organize all my supplements into this great little thing and when it comes time for each meal, I don't have to think about which ones I'm supposed to be taking. 

NOTE: I also have an "on-the-go" pill case that has 4 sections. So if I'm at my in-laws house or we go out dinner, I won't miss taking my supplements.

This is a thing of beauty. I love checking things off. It makes me feel so accomplished and helps motivate me when I see that I've kept to my regimen. So I made one of these adorable checklists for the next 12 weeks. It accounts for my shakes, meals, and supplements every day of the week. And each new week has a new motivational quote at the top to keep things fresh. 

Walmart brand frozen fruit has taken my shakes to new heights and cuts my prep time in half! (If you're wondering why I'm always trying to save time and make things easy, it's because I have the cutest 6-month-old little boy scooting around.) I throw a handful of frozen fruit into my shake and it makes it cold, frothy, and tasty all in one step. 

So these are just a few of the things I'm doing right now to simplify and amp up my Herbalife routine. If you have comments/questions/suggestions leave a comment! I'd love to hear from you! 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

"Before" Photos

I started my Herbalife weight loss regimen today! I'm feeling pretty great and I cannot wait to watch the pounds melt off! I decided to blog about my experience to keep myself accountable and to hopefully inspire others to get healthy. It's never too late. The heavier I've gotten the more I thought "Now there's TOO MUCH weight to lose." But with the right products, the right attitude, and the right support anything is possible.

This is my proclamation to you, my readers:

I, Alex Smith, am committed to leading a healthier, more active lifestyle from
this day forward. By using Herbalife products every day, my goal is to improve
my overall health and to lose at least 50 lbs. Secondly, I am also committed to
changing the nutritional habits of friends and family to improve their overall health
and help them achieve their own weight-loss goals. I will:

1. Have a Formula 1 Nutritional Shake twice a day
2. Take my Herbalife products 3 times a day
3. Exercise a minimum of 20 minutes, 3 times a week
4. Not quit until I lose 50 lbs
5. Share my story and inspire those around me

I’m making these commitments to myself today and
will not quit until I reach my goals.

Here are my scary before photos (just in time to kickstart Halloween!)